Carbon Cashback Forum
Discussion on Carbon Cashback Pros & Cons Zoom Meeting
Featuring: Paul Bernstein, Researcher at UHERO, Carbon Cashback Hawaii
Dave Mulinix, Greenpeace Hawaii
Moderator: Kim Coco Iwamoto, Chamber of Sustainable Commerce
Our speakers presented pros and cons on a bill labeled “Carbon Cashback” that will be introduced at the State Legislature.
Cosponsored by: 350Hawaii, Beyond Burning, Carbon Cashback Hawaii, Chamber of Sustainable Commerce, Clean Power Task Force, Climate Protectors Hawaii, Energy Justice Network, Environmental Caucus of the Democratic Party of Hawaii, Greenpeace Hawaii, Hawaii Climate & Environmental Coalition, Hawaii Environmental Change Agents, Hawaii Youth Climate Coalition, Kauai Climate Action Coalition, Life of the Land, Our Revolution Hawaii, Sierra Club of Hawaii, Zero Waste Kauai.